a tried and tested process

We are committed to making healthcare communications more effective. Powered by PIRL™️, our proprietary AI and data analytics engine, our process is built around factors of influence which gives a highly detailed 360˚ picture of product adoption, HCP behaviours, perceptions and motivations. This data enables us to create strategies that target many different audiences for whom we then develop optimal omnichannel and content programmes.


We immerse ourselves in your world – becoming familiar with your commercial goals and KPIs and move into market discovery. Using a combination of traditional methods and PIRL, we explore competitor activity, cultural nuance, micro and macro trends and stakeholder behaviours and factors of influence.

Our business analysts work with PIRL to identify high propensity and highest value HCPs or HCP segments and pinpoint the factors of influence key to changing their behaviours. Understanding these factors is key to efficiently changing behaviours and maximising your return on investment.

Having gathered all the insights from the Discover and Analyse phases, we move into planning. From overarching strategy down to a distribution plan and content calendar,  we ensure you have got it right in terms of messaging, content, channel, frequency, and local nuance.

Our team of scientists, writers, designers and art directors create campaigns based on deep audience understanding and deliver measurably better business results (KPIs) and meaningful behaviour change.

This is where our PIRL insight-informed best-in-class, omnichannel strategy is put into action. Delivering consistency in branding, messaging, content and service quality across all channels, allowing your specified audience to transition effortlessly between them while receiving a unified and cohesive experience. 

PIRL enables us to optimise campaigns. From an ROI perspective, it ensures efficiency and effectiveness. As a consequence, campaigns become dynamic, evolving in real-time based on hard data points. Every campaign you run teaches you more about your audience, increasing the lifetime value of your activity.

If you would like to learn more about how we work, contact us at INFO@PAGEANDPAGE.UK.COM.