Starting a self-care revolution aimed at helping patients to regain their independence and take control of the management of their venous leg ulcers (VLUs)?
L&R wanted to kick-start this movement by motivating and equipping patients and nurses to embrace self-care: a move that would give patients greater control over their condition, reduce the burden of the disease on health systems and release time back to nursing care for more complex cases.
Downloads of the Healthy Living Booklet
Requests for the Healthy Living Booklet
We developed Squeeze In, fronted by Johnny Vegas. We gave it a unique and engaging look and feel with lock up and copy construct. This was demonstrated in campaign guidelines which featured templates for social posts and advertising.
Central to the campaign, was development of ‘The Healthy Living Booklet’, which opened with a letter from Johnny to his late father and included imagery and anecdotes from Johnny. The booklet includes key information and tips managing a VLU, including applying and wearing compression; the importance of being active and eating healthy; how good skin care can aid healing and prevent recurrence.
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